Glowforge Aura  

Best Aspects of the Glowforge Aura

  • Precision cutting and engraving of various materials.
  • Intuitive user interface and live camera preview for accurate positioning.
  • Versatile functionality, making it suitable for a wide range of crafting projects.
  • Supportive customer service and safety features, contributing to a positive user experience.
  • Attractive price point, offering value for money and serving as an excellent tool for home crafting and small-scale production.

Glowforge Aura Craft Laser Engraver and Cutter – Just Click to Print Gifts, Decor, & More.

  • Works with hundreds of materials, from wood and acrylic to leather and cardstock
  • Glowforge Aura uses a blue, 6-watt, solid-state laser
  • Simple to set up and use.
  • The onboard camera gives you a live preview of your print so you can make the most of your materials.
  • WiFi, & app for Your Laptop, Tablet, & Phone.


Advantages and Disadvantages

Effectiveness and Precision, in cutting and engraving various materials, including wood, acrylic, and leather.
Ease of Use, intuitive software interface, live camera preview feature, Aura Vision™, aids in positioning designs onto materials with ease.
Durability and LongevitySafety Features, Glowforge Aura’s safety certification and the availability of the Aura-compatible Proofgrade materials ensure safe and consistent usage.
Functionality, Accommodates a wide range of materials, providing users with the ability to create various projects with precision and quality.
Size and Design, Compact design and simple setup, making it suitable for home crafting and DIY projects 
Intermittent functionality, misaligned cutting, and finishing issues Cleaning process viewed as cumbersome.
Is not compatible with certain materials such as glass, clear acrylic, white acrylic, blue acrylic, vinyl, or Draftboard. 

 8.9 Average Rating

Easy to assemble  

Value for money 

For beginners

Easy to use

Key Features of the Laser:

The Glowforge Aura Craft Laser offers powerful and precise cutting, engraving, and scoring capabilities for a wide range of materials, including wood, acrylic, leather, and cardstock. Its key features include:

  1. Versatility
  2. Ability to work with various materials, enabling the creation of diverse projects such as hardwood place settings, leather wallets, intricate paper cards, and engraved stone coasters.
  3. User-Friendly Software
  4. Free and easy-to-use design software, along with the availability of Proofgrade materials and millions of designs, fonts, and ready-to-make projects, offering limitless creative potential.
  5. Convenient Printing
  6. Instant printing through the free app, compatible with computers, phones, and tablets, and Wi-Fi connectivity for seamless file transfer from different software.
  7. Live Preview and Autofocus
  8. Onboard camera providing a live preview of prints, facilitating efficient material usage, and automatic autofocus and material detection for simplified operation.
  9. Ease of Use
  10. Simple and automatic operation with only one button to press, ensuring user-friendly functionality.
Based on our personal experience with the Glowforge Aura laser, we can say this laser cutter offers exceptional performance, ease of use, and versatility, making it an excellent investment for crafters and hobbiest. It’s important to note that while the glowforge laser offers various benefits, individual user preferences should be considered when making a purchase decision. 

How to set up the Glowforge machine correctly

To set up the laser correctly, follow these general steps:

  1. Material Preparation:
    • Gather the materials you intend to work with and ensure they are compatible with the Glowforge Aura. Use only approved materials for safety and optimal results.
  2. Software Setup:
    • Access the Glowforge app or software on your computer, phone, or tablet. Familiarize yourself with the interface and available design options.
  3. Safety Precautions:
    • Familiarize yourself with the safety features and guidelines for using the Glowforge Aura. Wear appropriate protective gear, especially when handling materials and operating the laser.
  4. Test Run:
    • Perform a test run with a simple design on a scrap piece of material to ensure the laser is functioning correctly and the settings are appropriate for the material.
  5. Final Checks:
    • Double-check the material placement, settings, and ventilation (if applicable) before initiating a full project.


What materials can I use with my Glowforge Aura?

You can work with materials such as wood, acrylic, leather, paper, rubber, and cardstock, and even engrave on denim, mylar, rubber, cork, sandpaper, food, stone, slate, titanium, aluminum, and marble. 

What is the thickest material that Glowforge Aura can cut?

The Glowforge laser can cut materials up to 1/4″ thick, and engrave materials up to 3/4″ thick with the cutting tray removed.

Do I need additional software to print with a Glowforge?

No, the laser works with the web-based App, Glowforge Print, allowing you to create and print designs directly within the App using a wide selection of fonts, graphics, and ready-to-print designs.

What can I do with my Glowforge Aura?

The Glowforge enables you to cut, engrave, and score a wide range of materials, including wood, acrylic, leather, paper, cardboard, denim, mylar, rubber, cork, sandpaper, food, stone, slate, titanium, aluminum, marble, ceramic tile, and more.

Can the Glowforge Aura cut acrylic?

The machine can cut acrylic, subject to certain color and thickness limitations. It is best at cutting thinner materials and darker solid colors, while it is not compatible with clear, white, or blue acrylic.

Can the Glowforge Aura cut metal?

The laser is not designed to cut metal. 

Can Glowforge Aura cut plywood?

The Glowforge machine can cut plywood within certain thickness limits. It can cut materials up to 1/4″ thick and engrave materials up to 3/4″ thick, offering versatility for woodworking and craft projects.

Does the Glowforge Aura cut glass?

The machine is not compatible with glass due to its laser specifications. 

Buy the Glowforge Aura Laser Now!

Glowforge Aura Craft Laser Engraver and Cutter – Just Click to Print Gifts, Decor, & More.

  • Hundreds of Materials Like Wood, Acrylic, & Chocolate. Camera, WiFi, & app for Your Laptop, Tablet, & Phone.
